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Now Foods, Kid Vits Multi-Vitamin Berry Blast - 120 Chewable Tablets

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The lack of nutritionally-rich foods is becoming a serious issue for many people, including children. If children do not receive their essential nutrients, minerals, and Vitamins, they may be subject to a slew of different bodily complications. However, Now Foods brings its Kid Vits multivitamins engineered for children to ensure optimal growth and functioning of the body. This supplement is not only incredibly effective and potent, but it is also pure and free from a variety of allergens.

  • Helps in improving & maintaining bone health
  • Keeps your immune system healthy & functioning properly
  • Also keeps the skin healthy & safe from any problems
  • Supports cognitive functions & keeps the brain healthy
  • Supports cardiovascular health & saves the heart from a variety of complications
  • Manufactured in the United States
  • Children should consume supplement under supervision
  • Be sure to consult a physician before giving your child this supplement, especially if they are taking any other form of medication
  • Do not exceed the intended dosage
  • Contains Potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron & iodine
  • Also contains Vitamins A, B, C, D & E, along with some variations
  • Two chewables every day with food
  • Great for children suffering from deficiencies
  • Also good for children that require excess nutrition
  • Does not contain any dairy, egg, wheat, shellfish, or artificial preservatives

Helps In Improving and Maintaining Bone Health
Thanks to the combination of various vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, Now Foods offers your child a potent blend that will help their bones grow healthy and strong. The supplement offers you Vitamins A and D that actively support and help in making the bones stronger, while calcium, potassium, and magnesium also support the bones. Calcium is one of the building blocks of your bones, whereas potassium and magnesium greatly improve the absorption of calcium in the body.

Helps Keep Your Immune System Healthy
Vitamin A is one of the main ingredients in this supplement and it is also the most effective at healing and helping the immune system function optimally. On the other hand, Zinc, another major ingredient in this supplement is also responsible for improving the immune system. It does so by controlling the creation of T cells that help in regulating immune function and attack hostile or foreign cells.

Keeps the Skin Healthy
Other than helping with the Immune system, Vitamin A is also responsible for keeping your skin healthy and so is Vitamin C. Moreover, the addition of Biotin and Iron also greatly improve skin quality and wound healing capabilities.

Supports Cognitive Functions
Another one of the many benefits that this supplement provides is its ability to boost cognitive function, and helping it grow. Vitamins B1, B9, and C are essential to the brain’s functionality as well as to your child’s mental growth.

Supports Cardiovascular Health
Vitamin D not only helps keep your bones healthy and strong, but it is also responsible for keeping your heart healthy. Vitamin D helps in regulating blood pressure, whereas magnesium and potassium also help in controlling blood pressure.