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Bentonite Clay Sonne #7 - 32 fl oz

$29.99 $33.12
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Sonne #7 Detoxificant is a natural and powerful detoxificant derived from bentonite, a mineral-rich volcanic clay.  We use a special process to refine the raw bentonite clay to remove mica, dirt and other impurities, in order to concentrate the active detoxifying ingredient, Bentonite.   This procedure places Bentonite into a colloidal suspension and retains its innate negative charge. These properties allow the powerful adsorption (physical binding) of positively charged substances.  (Most metabolic, environmental, and chemical wastes are positively charged.) Bentonite possesses the ability to adsorb about 40 times its own weight in positively charged substances present in the alimentary canal. Because Bentonite has such strong adsorptive properties and is not digested, it tightly binds toxic material to be excreted.

A perfect accompaniment to #7 Detoxificant is our #9 Intestinal Cleanser. Mixed together in juice, this Cleansing Drink offers the scrubbing and roughage benefits from soluble and insoluble fiber from psyllium, and the detoxification properties of bentonite.